Session: Controls 2
Paper Number: 111833
111833 - Online Dynamic Model Correction For Hydraulic Manipulator Grasped Unknown Payload
Redundant hydraulic manipulators with multi-degree of freedom are commonly used for the occasion of heavy-duty operation. Nevertheless, the effect on the efficiency optimization is limited, while adopting the traditional method to decompose motion redundancy for joint space of hydraulic manipulator with the condition of time-varying load. In order to seek the solution of optimal energy efficiency, this paper proposes a method of redundant decomposition for energy efficiency optimization of hydraulic manipulator based on online modification of dynamic parameters. The parameters and their element association of load inertia are estimated online to modify the kinetic model of the manipulator in real time, based on the algorithm of recursive least squares. Furthermore, from the aspect of hydraulic system, the cost function of energy consumption for the manipulator and the penalty term including the physical constraints of the actuator, are established. And based on the algorithm of model prediction path-following, the trajectory of the stage motion for each joint can be generated online. The simulation results depict that the accuracy of the cost function during the process of optimization is improved with the modification of the system dynamics in real time, and the proposed method has better effect on energy conservation than the existing method.
Presenting Author: Sheng Zheng Zhejiang University
Presenting Author Biography: Zheng Sheng received the B.S. degree in mechatronics engineering from Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China in 2015. He is currently working toward the Ph.D. degree in mechatronic control engineering in Zhengjiang University. His research interests include bilateral teleoperation of hydraulic manipulators and electrohydraulic control systems.
Online Dynamic Model Correction For Hydraulic Manipulator Grasped Unknown Payload
Paper Type
Technical Paper Publication